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Noi e l'anticodi Antonio La Penna (Firenze)
Les rois de Rome. Autopsie d'un récit historico-légendaire di Jacques Poucet (Louvain-La-Neuve - Bruxelles)
Epic and Rhetoric: Speech-making and Persuasion in Homer and Apollonius di Peter Toohey (Armidale)
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La comunicazione letteraria a Roma tra pubblico e privato di Mario Citroni (Firenze)

Der unbegrenzbare Abenteurer di Glenn W. Most (Heidelberg)

Strumenti informatici per gli studi classici di Maurizio Lana (Torino)

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Last technical revision June, 21, 1995.

This document ( is part of «Arachnion - A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web» ( The editors are Maurizio Lana and Emanuele Narducci. The journal is distributed by the host of CISI - Università degli Studi di Torino, Via Sant'Ottavio 20, I-10124 Torino .
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